KB92 - 6 Eye-Opening Images That Will Change The Way You Think

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6 Eye-Opening Images That Will Change The Way You Think

Have you ever heard the saying, 'A picture says a thousand words'?

It’s totally true, especially when you're trying to nail a solid mindset that sets you up for success.

Today, we’re exploring six incredible images that aren’t just cool to look at; they’re packed with powerful lessons and takeaways.

Let’s break each one down, unpack what makes them so powerful, and discover their secrets for building a rock-solid mindset.

Let’s dive in…

#1 You Can Handle More Than You Think

Here’s the truth nobody wants to tell you…

What you expect to happen?

It’s nothing more than a comforting bedtime story, a version of reality that makes you feel safe and secure.

But what actually happens?

That’s more like a rollercoaster ride in the dark—thrilling, unpredictable, and yes, a little bit scary.

In the middle of all that unpredictability, it’s easy to feel lost or overwhelmed.

But that’s exactly when you need to lean into the chaos.

As my friend Ross Edgley says…

“You’ve got to be naive to start, and stubborn to finish.”

So when your plans start to look like a tangled mess, don’t freak out.

Pause, take a breath, and power through. You’re built for this!

Remember, you don’t have to start out as an expert.

Growth happens in the struggle.

Like a climber scaling a steep mountain, each stumble or misstep is part of the journey upward.

It’s not about being perfect, it’s about being relentless enough to keep going.

And trust me, that’s where the magic happens—right when you decide to push through the doubt and keep climbing.

#2 You’ll Never Be Ready

Here’s a truth bomb most people won’t drop on you:

‘Not ready yet’?

That’s usually code for ‘Never going to happen.’

Waiting until you’re perfectly prepared is like waiting for Tottenham Hotspur to win the Premier League.

It’s a nice thought, but let’s face it—it’s not going to happen anytime soon.

We’ve all been there—stalling, overthinking, wondering when the stars will align.

Every day spent waiting for that ‘perfect moment’ is a day lost, a chance missed.

But here’s the trick…

Start before you’re ready.

Don’t waste time chasing some mythical ‘right moment’ because it doesn’t exist.

Kick-off small, get moving now, and embrace every misstep along the way.

Blunders aren’t setbacks—they’re stepping stones to growth.

That, my friends, is the true path to success.

#3 Analysis Paralysis

Ever find yourself stuck in what I like to call the "Paralysis by Analysis" trap?

Imagine a chart of your time—there’s a huge green slice for all the hours spent just thinking about what needs to be done, and only a tiny red sliver for the actual doing.

It’s like prepping for a marathon by sitting on the couch, picturing the run instead of lacing up your shoes and hitting the pavement.

Sound familiar?

We’ve all been there—stuck in that cycle of overthinking, letting the ‘what ifs’ pile up.

But here’s the truth: most tasks take way less time and energy than we imagine.

That giant green chunk?

That’s your brain making mountains out of molehills.

And that small red slice? That’s reality—a quick sprint to the finish.

So, what’s the game plan?

Cut down the contemplation.

Dive into action. Less thinking, more doing.

Turn that mental marathon into a sprint, and watch how quickly you get results.

Your success depends on it.

#4 Listen To Understand Not To Reply

Here’s a little secret about communication that’s as powerful as it is simple:

People don’t listen to understand—they listen to reply.

They’re queued up, ready to fire off their response without really hearing what the other person is saying.

And here’s why that matters:

In business, in relationships, in every single conversation, you can operate in one of two zones.

The green zone is where you're just waiting for your turn to speak, going through the motions.

But slip into the red zone? That’s where real connections are made!

Where you truly hear what the other person is saying and understand their needs, their desires, or what your audience craves.

That red zone is where trust is built and opportunities are born.

Next time you’re in a conversation, don’t just wait for your turn to talk. Truly listen.

Shift out of the green zone and make the red zone your whole focus.

Because the real power? It comes from understanding, not just responding.

And here’s the best part…

Understanding more leads to winning more, every single time.

#5 Be Selective With Your Time

Think of your time and energy like a jar.

If you try to cram every rock into it, it’s not just difficult, it’s madness.

You’ve got to be selective. Prioritise!

Not everything deserves your time and energy.

So, what’s the move?

Simple. Be ruthless with your priorities.

Think about what really moves the needle for you—those are the things that deserve your focus.

Everything else? It’s just noise—distractions that don’t contribute to your bigger picture.

Focus on fitting the biggest, most impactful rocks into your jar first.

Whether it’s a major project, a personal goal, or something that brings long-term value.

Those are your big wins.

The rest? If they fit, great. If not, they weren’t that important anyway.

Remember, being selective isn’t about doing less—it’s about doing more of what matters.

That’s how you maximise your impact, not just your schedule.

#6 Write Sh*t Down

Trying to keep all your plans, ideas, and tasks bouncing around in your head?

That’s a fast track to mental overload.

Imagine your brain as a cluttered desktop, or like someone trying to juggle a dozen tasks at once.

It’s chaotic, right?

And here’s the thing: when you try to hold everything in your head, you end up with a brain full of spaghetti.

Total mental clutter.

Here’s a super simple hack: just write it down.

By moving your thoughts from your head to paper, you’ll drastically reduce that mental mess—giving your brain room to breathe.

Why does this work?

Because it frees up your mind to focus on processing, not storing.

When your brain isn’t bogged down trying to remember every detail, it can actually start solving problems and making decisions faster and more effectively.

It’s like cleaning up your desktop—everything runs smoother and more efficiently.

So, grab a pen, start writing, and watch your productivity—and sanity—soar.

It’s not just about getting organised; it’s about getting ahead.

Because in this game, the clearest mind wins.


  • Embrace life's challenges as opportunities for growth, starting without expertise and persisting through difficulties.

  • Start tasks before feeling completely prepared, viewing every mistake as a stepping stone to success.

  • Minimise overthinking and prioritise action to achieve results more quickly and effectively.

  • Listen to understand, not just to respond, to truly connect and create meaningful opportunities in every interaction.

  • Prioritise your time effectively by focusing on what truly matters, dismissing distractions to maximise impact.

  • Write down your plans and ideas to clear mental clutter, enhancing focus and decision-making efficiency.

I hope you enjoyed this edition of my Knowledge Bomb Newsletter.

See you soon for another instalment.

Jay Alderton


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