KB89 - 5 Steps To Go From STRESS To SUCCESS

The Knowledge Bomb Newsletter

For the past 18 months, I’ve worked tirelessly on a book that’s easy to understand, deeply compelling and offers straightforward, easy-to-implement guidance.

This book reveals seven simple strategies for skyrocketing your success, amplifying your strength, and boosting your happiness.


Stressed Too Much GIF by NewQuest

We all have stress!

Whether you’re stressing about that deadline, feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list, or just dealing with life’s daily surprises… stress is part of the package.

You know that tight feeling in your chest?

The racing thoughts?

That little shot of adrenaline when things feel out of control?

Yeah… that’s stress.

But here’s what nobody tells you…

Stress doesn’t have to suck.

What if I told you that stress, in the proper doses, could help you succeed?

You see stress gets a bad rap, but the truth is, it can be your secret weapon.

It can drive you to perform better, stay motivated, and react faster.

But (and this is important), only if you manage it right.

Otherwise, it will wear you down, make you feel overwhelmed, and prevent you from reaching your goals.

That’s why today, I want to show you “The Stress Model.”

It’s a five-step framework that will help you use stress to get what you want while avoiding the mistakes that keep most people stuck.

Let’s dive in…

Step One – The Response

Alright, so let’s say you’ve got a goal.

You’re excited. Fired up. You start taking action…

And BAM, obstacles!

Because let’s face it: nothing worth pursuing is ever easy. Challenges are inevitable.

That’s when your body kicks in with a stress response.

Your heart rate goes up.

Adrenaline kicks in.

You start focusing hard and maybe even feel a little anxious.

It’s a natural reaction. Your body is saying, “Hey, we need to handle this!”

The Mistake

The mistake people make here is assuming the journey is supposed to be easy.

And when it’s not, they freak out. They think, “What’s wrong with me? This is harder than I thought!”

But here’s the truth: Stress is normal.

It’s your body gearing you up to handle the challenge.

So don’t bail when it shows up..

Lean into it. You’ve got this!

Step Two – The Recognition

Here’s where the magic happens…

You take that stress and use it.

This type of stress, called “eustress”, is actually good for you.

It pushes you to focus, gives you energy, and keeps you moving forward.

This is the stress that helps you perform better.

You’ve got to recognise it and USE it to fuel your actions.

The Mistake

Here’s the mistake people make in this phase: they assume all stress is bad.

They feel stressed and think, “Uh-oh, something’s wrong.”

But stress, especially when chasing big goals, is a sign you’re doing something right!

Stress in pursuit of a goal?

That’s a good thing.

It means you care.

It means you’re challenging yourself.

So stop treating it like the enemy.

Embrace it, and use it to push yourself harder!

Step Three – The Tipping Point

Now, let’s get real for a second…

You’re going to hit walls.

You’re going to fail.

Not just once. Probably multiple times!

And when that happens, stress can start to go from helpful to… well, not so helpful.

It becomes chronic stress.

The kind that drains your energy, fries your nerves, and leaves you feeling burned out.

You get stuck in a loop.

And instead of motivating you, stress starts to crush you.

The Mistake

Here’s the problem: people see failure and think it’s the end of the road.

They take it personally, get frustrated, and let that stress eat away at their confidence.

But here’s the thing: failure isn’t a stop sign.

It’s a learning opportunity.

You’ve got to reframe it. Look for the lesson. Learn from it. Adjust and try again.

Nobody succeeds on the first try.

So, if you’re feeling chronic stress, it’s because you haven’t reframed failure the right way yet.

Permit yourself to fail, and learn from it.

That’s how you win!

Step Four – Coping vs. Protecting

Okay, so let’s talk about what happens when stress keeps piling up.

You keep failing. You keep trying. And eventually, your brain flips into “protection mode.”

What’s that?

It’s your mind’s way of saying, “Alright, I’ve had enough. I need to conserve energy.”

This shows up as procrastination, avoiding tough tasks, or just flat-out giving up on your goals.

You avoid stress at all costs, thinking it’s going to save you from more pain.

The Mistake

Here’s the mistake: you don’t realise you’ve gone into protection mode.

You think, “I’m just being cautious,” or, “I need a break.”

But in reality?

You’re avoiding the thing that’s going to move you forward.

Self-protection might feel safe in the short term, but it’s costing you long-term growth.

Instead of avoiding stress, shift into correction mode.

Be open to feedback, learn from the failures, and remember, you haven’t hit your goal yet.

That doesn’t mean you won’t.

Keep figuring it out!

Step Five – The Outcome

Here’s where things can go really wrong.

When you get stuck in protection mode, you start avoiding anything that causes discomfort.

You stop trying. You stop pushing. You start playing it safe.

And you know what that leads to?

Zero progress.

You get caught in a cycle where the fear of failure keeps you from taking action.

You stop going after what you want because you’re too busy avoiding the pain of more failure.

The Mistake

The final mistake here is choosing avoidance over action.

Look, if you’ve been banging your head against the wall and still aren’t getting anywhere, don’t quit.

Reach out for help.

Find someone who’s already succeeded in what you’re trying to do.

Get feedback. Learn. Adjust.

You’ve got to push through the discomfort and keep going.

Because avoiding stress is the fastest way to stay stuck.

Breaking the Cycle

So, how do you break this cycle and use stress to succeed?

Here’s how:

  • Set realistic goals: Make sure your goals are big, but not so overwhelming that they paralyse you. Adjust them if you need to.

  • Build resilience: Stress isn’t going anywhere, so find ways to manage it. Exercise, meditate, talk to someone, and don’t try to do it alone.

  • Learn from failure: Every failure is a chance to get better. See it as a pivot point, not the end of the road.

  • Celebrate small wins: Take time to recognise progress—even if it’s small. This will keep you motivated and hungry for more.

Stress isn’t your enemy. It’s just feedback!

It’s your body telling you that something needs to change, either in your approach, mindset, or actions.

The sooner you stop fearing it and start using it, the sooner you’ll break through and hit your goals.

So… what are you going to do about it?

Which step will you work on today to turn stress into your stepping stone?

DM me on Instagram and let me know!

I hope you enjoyed this edition of my Knowledge Bomb Newsletter.

See you soon for another instalment.

Jay Alderton


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