KB83 - 7 World Class Ways To Write Sh*t Down

The Knowledge Bomb Newsletter

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This book reveals seven simple strategies for skyrocketing your success, amplifying your strength, and boosting your happiness.

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7 World-Class Ways To Write Sh*t Down

Studying Hand-Made GIF by Philippa Rice

If you’ve ever felt like you’re spinning your wheels, trying to figure out how to break through to that next level, I’ve got something for you that will flip the switch.

You see, the most successful people I know aren’t just out there winging it.

They’ve got systems. They track their progress, reflect on their wins and challenges, and keep their minds locked on their goals.

These seven killer writing routines are some of the best systems you can have in your toolbox.

Each is designed to tap into different aspects of your mindset and behaviour so you can get laser-focused, stay motivated, and, most importantly, start seeing the results you’ve been chasing.

Let’s dive in…

#1. The Mood Tracker

Create a Mood Tracker to log your moods and emotions daily.

Spotting patterns helps you understand triggers and manage your emotional health more effectively.

For instance, you might notice that you're consistently happier on days you exercise, helping you prioritise physical activity.

Try using different colours to represent different moods for a visual overview of your emotional landscape.

#2. The Quotes Collection

Fill a book with inspiring quotes that resonate with you.

Reflecting on them can boost your motivation and deepen your insights.

Include quotes that challenge your perspective or align with your aspirations.

Adding personal reflections or how each quote relates to your life can make this section even more powerful.

#3. Letters To Your Future or Past Self

Write letters to your future or past self or even others.

This exercise helps articulate feelings and thoughts you might otherwise keep to yourself.

For example, write a letter to your future self about your current goals and dreams or to your past self offering advice and comfort.

This practice can be profoundly therapeutic and insightful.

#4. Prompt Pages

Use prompts to fuel your writing.

Answer questions that provoke thought and encourage self-discovery.

Some examples include:

  • What are you most grateful for today?

  • Describe a time when you overcame a significant challenge.

  • What qualities do you admire in others that you wish to cultivate in yourself?

These prompts can help you explore your inner world more deeply and uncover new insights.

#5. The Evening Reflection

End each day with reflection.

Jot down what went well and what could be better to continuously build a mindset of growth and improvement.

For example:

  • What was the highlight of your day?

  • What challenged you today, and how did you respond?

  • What’s one thing you learned today?

This practice can help you wind down and prepare for a more mindful tomorrow.

#6. The Morning Check In

Start your day with a quick check-in to set the tone for what’s ahead.

Track your mood, write down what you want to accomplish, and decide how you want to feel throughout the day. For example:

  • Mood: How am I feeling right now?

  • Goals: What are the top three things I want to accomplish today?

  • Intention: How do I want to feel today? (e.g., calm, focused, energised)

This simple morning routine helps you align your actions with your desired outcomes, ensuring that you start your day with purpose and clarity.

#7. The Vision Board

Dedicate a board or a big piece of paper to visual goal-setting.

Include images, quotes, and drawings that align with your aspirations to keep your vision clear and motivating.

Use stickers, magazine cut-outs, or printouts to create a vibrant and inspiring vision board.

This visual representation of your goals can serve as a powerful reminder of what you’re working towards.

You’ve just been handed seven powerful writing techniques that can completely transform how you approach your life, goals, and mindset.

These aren’t just some fluffy, feel-good exercises…

They’re strategic tools designed to give you clarity, focus, and the momentum you need to crush it every single day.

An important thing to remember is this only works if you take action.

Reading about these methods won’t do anything for you unless you put pen to paper and implement them.

So, pick one or two of these techniques, start today, and watch how quickly things start shifting in your favour.

You don’t need to be perfect. You don’t need to get it all right the first time.

You just need to start!

Because once you do, you’ll build the unstoppable momentum that makes success inevitable!

I hope you enjoyed this edition of my Knowledge Bomb Newsletter.

See you soon for another instalment.

Jay Alderton


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