KB51 - Love is a Skill

The Knowledge Bomb Newsletter

Today’s newsletter is sponsored by Sleep Cycle.

I've been using Sleep Cycle for around five years now to help improve my sleep. The app analyses your sleep throughout the night and wakes you up during the lighter sleep stages. Not only does this help you feel less “groggy” when you wake up, but it also helps you better understand your sleep patterns.


Relationships are formed by understanding two things…
How we feel and how we think

Today, we're diving deep into the love game. 

And who's our coach? 

None other than a man who has better helped me understand my own relationships…

Alain De Botton. 

I was listening to a recent podcast with Alain, and he dropped this gem of a quote: 

“Love is a skill to learn, not just an emotion to feel.”

I blame a lot of what we think love actually is on movies…

For decades, Hollywood has been selling us this dream where love is all about that magical moment when eyes meet and bam – happily ever after. 

Newsflash: that's not how it works in the real world.

That electrifying “spark” we all chase? 

It's just the start. 

If you're gunning for a love that lasts, you better roll up your sleeves and get to work on your love skills.

So, what’s this "skill of love" all about? 

It's recognising that your partner has flaws. 

Spoiler alert: so do you.

The skill of love is all about signing up for a journey where you both uncover what makes each other tick and, sometimes, what makes you both a little nuts.

It's about navigating life's rollercoaster together and learning to embrace your partner, warts and all while feeling embraced yourself.

Relationships are tough cookies! 

They demand effort, patience, and a whole lot of elbow grease. 

And in the real world, love is about rolling up your sleeves and getting your hands dirty. 

But the payoff is huge if you're willing to put in the work. 

Spending your life with the right person equals a life brimming with meaning and fulfilment.

It's a skill, and like any skill, it takes practice and persistence.

But when you finally master that skill?

You'll realise all the hard work was worth it!

Takeaway: Love extends beyond the initial spark; it's an enduring journey of mutual understanding, growth, and navigating life's challenges together, strengthening the bond over time.

I hope you enjoyed my first Knowledge Bomb Newsletter of 2024

See you next Friday for another one.

Jay Alderton


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