KB49 - Six Harsh Truths Part Five

The Knowledge Bomb Newsletter

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Life’s way too short to argue with strangers on the internet!

Guess what’s the most pointless activity in the universe?

That’s right – getting offended with things on the internet!

I find it fascinating when people claim they don’t have time for exercise or self-improvement.

Yet, there’s always that one bloke – let’s call him “boogeyman68601” – who, despite having no profile picture, finds the time to pen a novel-length rant in a comments section of an Instagram post.

Here’s some insight about people who are perpetually offended online:

They aren’t genuinely offended most of the time.

It’s more about craving attention.

No matter how trivial, having a ‘cause’ to fight against seems to give their lives some semblance of purpose.

So, for the sake of your sanity, in the coming year, steer clear of the offence trap.

Don’t let every Tom, Dick, and Harry on the internet get under your skin. Just hit ‘unfollow’.

Let that algorithm know you’re not here for the drama.

Tweak your feed to include things that lift you up, not drag you down.

Remember, losing your temper over the nonsense spewed on the internet is like handing your happiness to a stranger.

You wouldn’t give your house keys to someone you met in a comment section, would you?

So why do you give them the keys to your mind?

As Marcus Aurelius said over 2,000 years ago:

“Choose not to be harmed — and you won’t feel harmed. Don’t feel harmed — and you haven’t been.” 

Spend time with people who uplift you, engage in hobbies that bring you joy, and remember to look up from your screen every now and then to admire the actual world.

It’s pretty amazing out there, away from the glow of your phone.

Make this next year about you – not about what offends you.

Takeaway: Focus on real-life joys, not online drama; your happiness shouldn't hinge on internet squabbles.

I hope you enjoyed my Fifth Harsh Truth!

I’ll return to your inbox on New Year’s Eve for the Final Harsh Truth!

Jay Alderton


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